Hello,welcome to Guilin pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd!
Staff life
  • Company Culture
  • Working Environment
  • Corporate events
    • Company Culture

      Culture is the soul of an enterprise. It inherits from one generation and carries the unique genes of the enterprise. In the development process of Guilin Pharma, the enterprise culture has experienced the process of spontaneous formation, simple refining, guidance and strengthening, advancing with The Times and sublimation, and has precise corporate mission, vision, core values, development direction and performance goals. Since became a member of fosun medicine guilin pharmaceutical companies, adhering to the enterprise spirit fosun 'cultivate one's morality, and thrive, the world', in continuous development at the same time actively fulfill the social responsibility, constantly guide south medicine people pay attention to their self-cultivation, in the business of good family and career at the same time, do not forget the beginner's mind as a medical man, to help the need to help the people in the world.

      Working Environment

      Guilin Pharma has elegant working environment, reception area and advanced office facilities, resources rich library and so on.

      Corporte events

      Guilin Pharma union fully perform maintenance, construction, participation, education, four big functions, actively building 'harmonious worker's home', in the democratic management, protection of the rights and interests of employees, employee health and safety, staff caring, staff development, festival cultural activities in combination with the practical situation of enterprises in many aspects, such as a series of distinctive work, give full play to the trade union solidarity, promote harmony, promote the development of function.