Hello,welcome to Guilin pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd!
Guilin Parma continues to fulfill its commitment as a corporate citizen and sincerely serve the society. While creating wealth for the society, it is also enthusiastic about public welfare and giving back to the society. Through supporting education, caring for children, targeted poverty alleviation and other ways, Guilin Parma  actively assumes its responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In 2016, in order to better practice the socialist core values, Guilin Parma  officially set up the "Artemisia annua charity project", to build an influential brand reputation and boost business development. In China, the company continues to pay attention to the growth of left-behind children. So far, it has provided spiritual and material care to more than 500 local left-behind children and helped them grow up happily. Overseas, Artesun®, the company's proprietary and innovative injectable artesunate, has saved more than 24 million cases of severe malaria, making an outstanding contribution to the reduction of malaria mortality in Africa.